Saturday, January 24, 2009

NYC: Winter in NY

Photos by: David Y.

When Christmas has passed, and the New Year is here, there is always a trace of Winter left in the air. In fact after New Year and through March can be some of the most bitter parts of winter in the city. This weather can make riding a bit difficult, but i can make roaming through the city with a camera very desirable.... hope you enjoy my pictures from Brooklyn's Prospect Park in the snow...


The Jolly Crank said...

cool pics. enjoy your blog! what's up with the horse?

David Y. said...

Hi Jolly,

i was in the park last week taking some pictures and i ran into some girls riding. Prospect Park has stables near by, and they asked if i would hold him steady while they cleaned his shoes. so i did, and asked for a picture. thanks for the props, i'll keep updating a bit more steadily.....

Anonymous said...

OH MY! Is this the David I went to college with? It is Ashley (Liedtke)Humphries!!! I have missed you so much! I have such fond memories of UNT and they always involve you! I can totally believe that you are in NY right now living the dream. Congrats on your many successes. I wish I had your email address. Love you to the moon! - Ashley

David Y. said...
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Ruth said...

David--Love, love, love some more that pic of you with the horse. VERY RL...(but that's not why I love it)